— Filed under Farmhouse Life, Yard & Garden

Catching Up

After two and a half years of stress and hard work, I have graduated with my master’s degree! This semester was my busiest ever, so I didn’t have time to do as many projects on the house as I wanted. Now that I’m done, I have lots of things to start working on!

The past few years have been the most hectic of my life, so I’m also looking forward to slowing down and relaxing a bit. This place is so peaceful, and each day I feel thankful to be able to experience it.

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— Filed under Farmhouse Life, Yard & Garden

Autumn at the Farmhouse

Autumn is a time to slow down and notice the beauty of everything around you. A time of reflection, curling up with a book and blanket. Sipping hot cocoa on the porch as the leaves fall.

I look forward to experiencing an autumn like this. Unfortunately, this is not the one. I’m nearing my final year of graduate school, and relaxing is something I desperately miss! Instead of traveling and stopping at cafes and antique stores, or getting work done on the house, I’m reading stacks of assignments and writing paper after paper for my classes. This semester has hit particularly hard. My countdown to graduation has begun though, and I only have a 170 more days to stick it out :)

I do try to enjoy the season when I can though! Last week was fairly warm so I brought a picnic blanket out to the yard and read my assignments under one of our big maple trees. After a few minutes of getting distracted by the sights around me, I realized I needed to go back inside to fetch my camera!
Farmhouse in the fallContinue Reading »

— Filed under Farmhouse Life, Yard & Garden

Summer at the Farmhouse

We’ve had a busy summer so far! After closing on our house, we’ve been working on renovations almost every day for the past five weeks! We’re making great progress, and we love going out there every day. It’s just such a peaceful place. Although our days are long, I haven’t felt this happy, relaxed, and at home in a really long time.

I’ve always considered myself a city girl (coming from Chicago and all), but there is one time of my life I don’t think about often enough. When I was a child, I used to spend weekends on my grandparents’ farm. Visiting our farmhouse every day and seeing the long forgotten sights has jogged my memory a bit. Without cable and video games, I instead spent hours in clover fields, went for long walks on deserted gravel roads, pet the cows and horses (and got zapped by the occasional electric fence), caught frogs at the pond, and explored the hidden treasures in the barns.

Although it’s not as large, I’m happy to have my own little slice of this kind of life.

Country summerContinue Reading »
