— Filed under Projects, Yard & Garden

How to Make an Easy DIY Address Post

Learn how to make your own farmhouse DIY address post! This super easy DIY project will add some serious curb appeal to your home.

It all started when our mailman delivered my textbooks to the house across the street. We quickly realized we needed to put address numbers somewhere on our property, but attaching them to the house isn’t a perfect fix since it sits back so far from the road. We decided to do something at the corner of our front yard that meets the driveway. It previously showcased a barrel planter that we may have let get overrun with grass and weeds…
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Doesn’t exactly say, “Welcome to our farmhouse” does it?

What You’ll Need for Your DIY Address Post

I loved the idea of a DIY address post planter, so we set off to get our materials. We began by digging a hole for our post and setting it in concrete (sorry, I spaced and didn’t take photos of this part!). I chose dark bronze numbers and a medium brown stain for this project.
Learn how to make your own farmhouse DIY address post! This super easy DIY project will add some serious curb appeal to your home.

After a quick coat of stain, we realized we hadn’t made the best decision ever… The post and numbers were almost the same shade, and you could hardly make out our address from the road!

Learn how to make your own farmhouse DIY address post! This super easy DIY project will add some serious curb appeal to your home.
We ran to the barn to get a can of white primer left behind by the previous owner. (Thanks, previous owner!) Painting the post white worked out much better!Learn how to make your own farmhouse DIY address post! This super easy DIY project will add some serious curb appeal to your home.After painting, we added a plant hook, a basket full of lovely purple asters, and a solar light cap to the top since it’s really dark on our street at night. Our DIY address post is complete and looking pretty dark good.
favorite farmhouse finds

Learn how to make your own farmhouse DIY address post! This super easy DIY project will add some serious curb appeal to your home.


We simply placed some stones around the base of the post for now, but we’ll probably plant some flowers around it come springtime.

Learn how to make your own farmhouse DIY address post! This super easy DIY project will add some serious curb appeal to your home.

This is the very first step we’ve taken to fix up our home’s exterior… It’s a baby step, but one that’s a big improvement to a weedy barrel! Next step, freshen up those doors!

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More in Farmhouse Porch & Garden:


25 thoughts on “How to Make an Easy DIY Address Post

  1. Purple phlox would look really pretty around the rocks. I will definitely be doing this. Thank you and very pretty.

  2. Hi! This turned out absolutely gorgeous! I have a couple of questions about dimensions, what size plant hook did you use? I see the typical sizes are 9 or 14 inches. Also just to double check, the link you included is to a 14 inch plant hanging basket w/coco liner, is that the correct size you used? Thanks so much – your farmhouse is turning out to be stunning.

    1. Hi Jenna! I just measured and our basket with the coconut liner is 14 inches. The hook we used is 7 inches tall and 10 inches wide. I think a 9 inch hook would look perfect as well. I hope this helps!

  3. I have a pole near my front porch that has a flag hanging from it. Currently it’s stained red like the side porch and front steps. The house is white with classic black shutters so I’m going to paint the pole like yours, and add the flower hanger on the side opposite the flag with house number facing the street!! I’m so excited to do this. I have some indoor/outdoor white paint. Do you think this will work. It also has a finial on the top instead of a light so I thought I would paint that black for the accent. Thanks for the idea! It’s beautiful!!

  4. Oh, I am absolutely in love with this! We’re moving into our first house within the next month and I’ve been wanting something like this!

  5. The post office would depend upon the carrier to be the primary notification for any new mailing address. The carrier would notice that a new address was added and would report that to their post office.

  6. This is awesome. Just came across your post while looking to do something similar. Which brand/model post cap did you use? How is the light and has it remained strong?

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